Wednesday, January 2, 2013

5 Tips for Choosing a Great Domain Name

1.    Keep it Short: Remember that many visitors will arrive at your website by typing your address directly into their browser bar. Aim for 20 characters or less to maximize your type-in traffic.

2.    Be Simple and Obvious: Make sure your domain is easy to remember and spell. If possible, it's best to err on the side of being straightforward.

3.    Avoid Numerals, Underscores and Hyphens If You Can: Adding numbers and non-alphabet characters to your domain name can cause confusion likely to result in lost traffic to your site.

4.    Consider Keywords and Cleverness: If your top domain choice is not available, consider adding a descriptive keyword as a starting point to brainstorm alternative ideas.

5.    Register Your Domain for Multiple Years: If your budget permits, registering your domain for multiple years can help your site rank higher with search engines like Google and secure the investment in your website brand.

Monday, December 17, 2012

4 Reasons Why your Facebook Business Page Sucks

It has been one year since you launched your Facebook page and you still have a very low number of likes but most importantly none of your fans are talking about your brand.

Before I move on, you need to understand that it takes time for your social media investment to realize any return; this is why I intentionally said, one year. Investing in social media, as in any other field, requires patience and long term thinking. Anything that is worthwhile takes time to build and growing tribes and followers on social networks and creating community takes focused effort.

One way to think of it is like building a house…”one brick at a time“. In the case of social media it is one piece of content at a time.

So, in other words, your Facebook page sucks and there are many out there that really do.

So, here are 4 reasons why your Facebook page sucks:

1. No social media strategy
What is the goal of your Facebook page? Get more likes? Increase brand awareness? Increase sales? Actually, it can consist of all these goals; however, you need to be very clear. This will help you determine the tools and tactics you need to use in order to achieve your goals. Do not just launch a Facebook page because your competitors have one. A key factor to a successful social media strategy is having the right resources available, so make sure you have everything you need to make things happen.

2. No updated content
Make no mistake here, the only reason people visit a Facebook page is because of its content. If you do not post anything, none will visit your Facebook page. We live in a very fast moving world where yesterday’s news is outdated content. Post content very often, if possible once a day. In fact 3-4 times per day is better.
There is no short cut on this.

3. Your content is boring
When you own a restaurant, make sure you post content related to food, drinks and entertainment and not only your latest promotions. When people come to your page, they are looking for interesting and fun content:

They want to see what your new menu is

  • New dishes you recommend
  • Teach them how to cook one of your dishes
  • Tell them where to find other great food within your city
  • Ask for customers to leave a review
  • Show them a video on how you prepare your flag dish

In other words, the content must be relevant to your business and most importantly engaging and exciting. This does not mean that you should never post any special promotions or deals, however, do it moderately and collect feedback on what your fans really want to see.

4. You do not post any photos
The Facebook timeline is focusing entirely on visual content; hence, if you decide to keep posting long text messages, none will read them. Invest in getting high quality pictures that attract attention, it is human nature to stumble upon great visual content. There are plenty of tools available to help you edit your pictures and make them look appealing.


Saturday, November 3, 2012

How to protect blog content copy

Internet - is a trove of free information, and we all use it - to acquire new knowledge for the content of the site or blog ... Of course, this is only the basis for the creation of our posts: we analyze facts, draw conclusions, to express their opinions - and get unique content and interesting to our audience.

But, unfortunately, do not come all. Some craftsmen prefer to use a ready-made, so your article may well appear to other resources without your attribution and link to your blog (website). As a result, you will have to seek justice and to prove that you are the author of this article, or to put up with their non-unique content.

How do you determine what your content is borrowed from someone? Pretty simple. For this purpose, anticipatory - special programs verify the uniqueness of the text (Double Content Finder from the Stock Exchange " Tekstbroker ", Advego Plagiatus, CopyScape, etc.). If they can prove that the article is only on your Internet site - all excellent. But if you see some URL-address, you will know that your content working for someone else.

Can it be prevented? Yes, and we'll show you how.

Some are trying to protect their content with hardware - special scripts and plug-ins that do not allow readers to select text or copy it to the clipboard. Give here a list of these products, we will not - you just type in a search engine, "copy-protection plug-in", and you will have lots of options.

What are the disadvantages of this method? The fact that 100% guarantee immunity to the technical means to give, alas, can not: if the user will be a burning desire to snitch material, he somehow gets it - or disabling scripting in your browser, or copy the html-code Web page, or trite rewriting your article from the screen.

In addition, some experts warn that the search engines can react unpredictably to use such technical tricks - to the exclusion of text pages from the search.

How else can we fight stealing content? Here are some effective ways.

1. After the publication of the blog to "conduct" post on social networks . This is done so that the text is indexed and quickly lost appeal to thieves.

2. Purchase for each new text some inbound links that would contain anchor quotes from him. To quote you start earlier than plagiarist, in the eyes of the search engine you will be the primary source, and the ranking of your web resource is not lowered.

3. TIC if your blog is more than 10, you can use the tool of "original texts" of Yandeks.Vebmaster . Before you publish the text in the blog, you need to load them into a special form - and if you have any misunderstandings your asset will be recognized as the primary source.

4. Make individual texts , that is frequently mentioned in them about their organization, about events in this, its directors and employees, to write the address in the material of the site. This article will be difficult to use without a solid bill, and therefore it is unlikely to be the object of theft. If such a text would be pulled in a special program-Graber and published on other websites without editing, you only win - because the web will be one more mention of your firm.

5. warn the reader that the content on your blog is copyrighted . Provide a link to the relevant article of the law, to write a word about the responsibility for theft - in short, to scare fans darmovschiny as follows - in war as in war.

But what if the text is still splagiatili?

Discovering that your article "floated" to other resources without your copyright, please contact the site owner and host for seeking removal stolen content. In this case, it would be good to bring evidence of his authorship - at least screen the main page of your blog with the date of publication of the original article.

Sometimes (but not always) this treatment helps. Well, if you ignore it and you have a desire to punish the thief, you can go to court. However, it is necessary to calculate whether the cost vychinki skin - it is sometimes easier to spend an hour or two and obliteration source, returning it unique.